Everything makes sense when Life shows its finest essence.
Everything makes sense when Life shows its finest essence.

I am a man who stands by the value of “good things”.
I am also very lucky, I was born in a Land where I have always “breathed & tasted” the meaning of quality, considered as a real value of lifetime. The Earth and the Sun were the gifts provided by Mother Nature, the rest came from the hands of skilled and passionate men & women who created the Food we ate and the Design we admired.
I have worked for many years in the hospitality industry and F&B services where I have always concentrated my efforts to meticulously select the best prime and fresh raw materials.
Today I have realised that the statement “Made in Italy” means more than simply a geographic denomination, it truly represents a way of life, a passion for taste, quality and flavour that comes from a place deep in the soul.
ALTO Artigianle provides a way … to feel those sensorial experiences. We promote and “brand broadcast” exceptional and unique high quality products from the Ager Campanus or Campania Felix in South Italy, known since Roman times.
Our history proved the closed ancestral relationship between People & their Land, the natural & great beauty that affected our secular lives!
We collaborate with major companies and discerning retailers, designers and architects, to introduce top quality products abroad and also into our local Italian markets. To share those sensorial experiences, we organise and participate in workshops and exhibitions, we constantly meet with operators and decision-makers, starting with local events in Italy and also visiting many artisanal producers and manufacturers who bring deep meaning to their art to create excellent products enjoyed and known around the globe.
Everything makes sense when Life shows its finest essence.
That’s why….In Good we trust!