Collective Purchase Group (CPG)
of agri-food products of Regional Excellence.
Organize your collective purchase among friends, family, colleagues and neighborhood.

An inclusive collaborative project developed on an idea of promoting agri-food products which, with the advantageous cost-effectiveness of the purchase, combines experiential paths for the rediscovery of the excellence of taste.
In many years of experience in the agri-food sector, I have had the opportunity to know and discover a myriad of food products that are the basis of Italian cuisine and culture and above all of the Mediterranean Diet.
My land has always cultivated delicacies that have made the true history of culinary Made in Italy in every corner of the world. And their artisanal producers are real resources that never before, in a period of extreme economic difficulty, risk near-extension.
We therefore have the moral, ethical and social task of safeguarding and protecting them.
Too often we have not left consumers with sufficient means to recognize and evaluate the quality of true products of excellence, often leaving them defenseless in the face of the advertising activity of bewitching methods and misleading messages.
I offer my skills and, above all, my "origins and roots" to select and promote the collective purchase of gastronomic excellence as a food supply to be kept in the pantry as per the custom of our predecessors or to which we may have recently resorted, in times of distancing social.
Although in a constant and continuous research work, I have already selected some quality agri-food products that are the essential ingredients of our daily meals: extra virgin olive oil, tomato, pasta, coffee, condiments, legumes, pickles, colonials , etc.
Excellence often at exorbitant prices or perhaps not found on the shelves of specialty shops.
The purpose is to offer a basket of various products to buying groups organized among family members, friends, colleagues, associations, neighborhoods, acquaintances, who order mixed food for their individual needs and arrange to share the delivery, perhaps creating the opportunity or the prerequisite for a pleasant re-union by planning a food and wine event 'Tastaround'.
Easy and profitable formula for the agent who represents the collector or coordinator of the CPG and collects orders from the various consumers of his circle and then proceeds to confirm the order of the cumulative pallet, retaining the commission percentage reserved as remuneration for his commitment.
In collaboration with: